Get everything you need to modernize your agency

Take advantage of a program designed to modernize your agency with a scalable mapping platform. It’s never been easier. We'll help you implement an evidence-based policing model with advanced analytics and citizen engagement tools that support every level of your organization. Bring your computer-aided dispatch, records management systems, and city, county, and national crime databases together using smart maps and location analytics. Staff members—from commanders to analysts to frontline officers—can use actionable intelligence to proactively fight crime and improve service. Build 21st century capabilities based on the specific needs of your department and the communities you serve.

Complete ArcGIS software and support

  • ArcGIS Pro and Extensions
  • ArcGIS Enterprise and Extensions
  • ArcGIS Engine and Extensions
  • Insights for ArcGIS
  • ArcGIS Online Named Users

Also included in the program

  • Esri Self-Paced e-Learning (web training)
  • Discounted Instructor-Led Training
  • Authorized Technical Support Callers
  • Esri User Conference Pass

ArcGIS resources

Take advantage of maps, apps, and content to get you started.


Find out more about the scalable Esri Public Safety EA Program